Made by Carlton Television for ITV (UK) , this adaptation of Laurie Lee's autobiographical novel follows a young man's maturation in the country town of Gloucestershire near the end of World War I. As young Laurie (Dashiell Reece) comes of age under the protective eye of his mother (Juliet Stevenson), he learns to live with an eccentric collection of friends, neighbours, and relatives. As he enters his teenage years, Laurie (now played by Joe Roberts) discovers women, specifically Rosie Burdock (Lia Barrow). Veteran screenwriter John Mortimer adapted Lee's book, with Lee narrating.
Votre Filmothèque
- Juliet StevensonAnnie Lee
- Joe RobertsLaurie Lee
- David TroughtonUncle Sid
- Emily MortimerMiss Flynn
- Grant MastersFather Lee
- Amanda BoxerMiss Biggs
- John LightBoyfriend Harold
- William MoseleyExtra
- Con O'NeillUncle Ray
- Judith ParisSpinster 2
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