The Hughleys is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 22, 1998 to April 28, 2000 and on the UPN network from September 11, 2000 to May 20, 2002. It starred comedian D. L. Hughley as the main character, Darryl Hughley, and Elise Neal as Yvonne, his hard-working wife, who move their family from the inner city to suburban Los Angeles.
Votre Filmothèque
- John HentonMilsap Morris
- Elise NealYvonne Hughley
- D.L. HughleyDarryl Hughley
- Eric Allan KramerDave Rogers
- Dee Jay DanielsMichael Hughley
- Marietta DePrimaSally Rogers
- Ashley Monique ClarkSydney Hughley
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