Paul Dorgères (Henri Nassiet), a wealthy industrialist, has been mysteriously murdered. The investigation is entrusted to the experienced Chief Inspector Bonnardel (Yves Deniaud) and his young rookie assistant, Inspector Richard (Yves Vincent). Suspicion turns to his mistress Catherine Villard (Élina Labourdette), with whom he had just broken up on the night of the crime. She is soon arrested and charged. However, Inspector Richard discovers a button at the scene of the crime which could help him to trace the trail and confound the culprit(s).
Votre Filmothèque
- Yves DeniaudL'inspecteur-chef Bonnardel
- Yves VincentL'inspecteur Richard, jeune assistant débutant de Bonnardel
- Élina LabourdetteCatherine Villard, maîtresse de Dorgères
- Henri CrémieuxM. Phalempeau, homme d'affaires
- Robert DalbanL'inspecteur Sylvestre, adjoint de Bonnardel
- Jean DebucourtMaître Landry, avocat pénaliste, ténor du barreau
- Marie DéaMme Le Mesles
- Marcel AndréLe médecin légiste
- Marthe MercadierLa détenue-manucure
- Charles DechampsLe juge d'instruction Ferrand
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