The lives of six Los Angeles teens pursuing the hottest rave in the city intertwine in unexpected ways over the course of a single day in this drama directed and co-written by Ron Krauss. The ensemble cast includes Efren Ramirez (Napoleon Dynamite), Tamara Mello ("Popular"), Douglas Spain (But I'm a Cheerleader), Aimee Graham (From Dusk Till Dawn), Nicholle Tom ("Beverly Hills 90210"), Dante Basco (Hook) and Steven Bauer (Traffic).
Votre Filmothèque
- Efren RamirezBookie
- Tamara MelloNette
- Douglas SpainDaffy
- Aimee GrahamMary Griffith
- Nicholle TomSadie
- Dante BascoJay Hoon
- Steven BauerAntonio
- Franco VegaJP
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