A South African television soap opera created by Franz Marx which revolves around the daily ups, downs, trials and tribulations of a handful of families in and around Johannesburg (which is often referred to as eGoli - the City of Gold)
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- Christine BassonNora Naudé
- David ReesNiek Naudé
- Shaleen Surtie-RichardsEster "Nenna" Willemse
- Brümilda van RensburgLouwna Vorster Edwards
- Hennie SmitBertie Roelofse
- Tiffany KellySonet Naudé
- Eckard RabeChris Edwards
- Darryl DesmaraisStephen Edwards
- Chris LinfordRex de Koning Von Badenburg
- Lindie van EedenKarin Edwards
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