Carol Scrooge, the curmudgeonly owner of a sleazy skin publication, insists that her employees work on Christmas. However, on Christmas eve, Miss Scrooge is visited by three ghosts, each of whom shows her a different vision of Christmas, from Carol's lurid past of sexually manipulating her childhood friends to the meager Christmas celebrations of her present-day employee, Bob Hatchet and his wife, to a terrifying and sleazy vision of Christmas yet to come; each visit is infused with a barrel of laughs and a valuable lesson about the importance of giving and holiday spirit.
Votre Filmothèque
- Mary StuartCarol Scrooge
- Kim PopeBarbara Hatchet
- Jamie GillisBob Hatchet
- Arturo MillhouseThe Spirits
- Kevin AndreThe Spirits
- Shaun CostelloThe Spirits
- Susan SloanBarbie White
- Day JasonGina
- Toni ScottPauli the Maid
- Marc StevensLance Marley's Ghost
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