All That... for This?!

    All That... for This?!


    The plot is about a trial against three men who tried to earn loads of money by illegal methods to get to Canada and about the lawyers and the judge who get on with the trial and who are being unfaithful to their couples.

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Fabrice LuchiniFabrice Lenormand
    • Vincent LindonLino
    • Jacques GamblinJacques Grandin
    • Francis HusterFrancis Barrucq
    • Marie-Sophie L.Marie Lenormand
    • Gérard DarmonHenri Poncet
    • Évelyne BouixMarilyne Grandin
    • Alessandra MartinesAllessandra Barrucq
    • Charles GérardPoliceman
    • Céline CaussimonEsmeralda


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