A Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, a Red Rose an Emblem of Love

    A Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, a Red Rose an Emblem of Love


    The story happens mainly around "The Old Arbat Street" in the center of Moscow, where always concentrate vendors, poor young artists and musicians. The hero of this film is a boy named Mitiya,who lives with eccentric elder friend in an apartment house on "The Old Arbat". In fact, people who then appear around Mitiya are all unique, eccentric and the space of the apartment house begins to have an unrealistic character as a miniature of unstable society in the end of Soviet Union.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Tatyana DrubichАлександра
      • Aleksandr AbdulovВладимир
      • Aleksandr Zbruevотец Александры Илья
      • Ludmila Savelyevaмать Александры
      • Aleksandr BashirovТолик (Анатолий Феоктистович Гнилюга, лимитчик)
      • Mikhail Danilovтесть Владимира
      • Yuriy Shumiloгенерал Брежнев / культурист-ниндзя
      • Ilya IvanovНиколай Плевакин - «дядя Кока»
      • Mikhail RozanovМитя
      • Assan Kuiatteпрогрессивный негр


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      • darkstar