Life Goes On is a television series that aired on ABC from September 12, 1989, to May 23, 1993. The show centers on the Thatcher family living in suburban Chicago: Drew, his wife Elizabeth, and their children Paige, Rebecca, and Charles, who is known as Corky. Life Goes On was the first television series to have a major character with Down syndrome.
Votre Filmothèque
- Bill SmitrovichAndrew "Drew" Thatcher
- Patti LuPoneElizabeth 'Libby' Thacher
- Chris BurkeCharles "Corky" Thatcher
- Kellie MartinRebecca 'Becca' Thacher
- Chad LoweJesse McKenna
- Tracey NeedhamPaige Thatcher
- Monique LanierPaige Thatcher
- Elizabeth BerkleySelena
- Josh LucasDylan
- Andrea F. FriedmanAmanda Swanson
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