A Great Wall

    A Great Wall


    When computer programmer, Leo Fang, is passed up for promotion, he feels it is because he is Chinese, and quits. He takes his Chinese-American family to Mainland China to visit his relatives, the Chao's for a vacation. The clash of cultures, between the men, wives, and teenagers, leads to some confusion, and misunderstanding.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Peter WangLeo Fang
      • Kelvin Han YeePaul Fang
      • Sharon IwaiGrace Fang
      • Li QinqinLili Chao
      • Hu XiaoguangMr. Chao
      • Guanglan ShenMrs. Chao
      • Kelvin WongLiu Yida
      • Xiu JianYu


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