The Last Precinct is an American comedy series that aired on NBC from January to May 1986 on Friday Night at 9:00pm. The series stars Adam West as Capt. Rick Wright, leading a group of misfit police academy rejects. The pilot for the Stephen J. Cannell series debuted after Super Bowl XX in 1986, but the show was canceled within two months of its April premiere. This was the only sitcom from Stephen J. Cannell Productions.
Votre Filmothèque
- Jonathan PerpichSgt. Price Pascall
- Ernie HudsonSergeant Lane
- Adam WestCaptain Rick Wright
- Keenan WynnButch
- Wings HauserLieutenant Hobbs
- Randi BrooksOfficer Mel Brubaker
- Rick DucommunOfficer 'Raid' Raider
- Lucy Lee FlippinOfficer Rina Starland
- Vijay AmritrajAlphabet
- Yana NirvanaSgt. Haggerty
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