Copper Angel

    Copper Angel


    An international geological expedition led by a Russian engineer works in an inaccessible area of one of the Latin American countries. Scientists are held hostage by a nearby gang that trades in the drug trade. Geologists are in mortal danger ...

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Anatoliy KuznetsovИван Курмаев
      • Irina ShevchukМарина Громова
      • Valentin SmirnitskiyЛадислав Илек
      • Leonid YarmolnikМорис Барро
      • Leonid KuravlyovЛарсен
      • Aleksandr FilippenkoСантильяна
      • Nikolay EryomenkoСебастьян Вальдес
      • Aleksandr YakovlevВакерос
      • Liya AkhedzhakovaРосита
      • Archil GomiashviliАнтонио Вальдес


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