The Murderer is in the House

    The Murderer is in the House


    A murder has been committed in a block of flats in Pest. Almost all the dwellers of the building behave in a suspicious way at the beginning of the investigation, although it is their everyday lapses they try to hide. In spite of the janitor's unpleasant comments, light is gradually thrown upon the case.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Dezső GarasGál főhadnagy
      • Stanisław MikulskiTímár százados
      • Tamás Majorházmester
      • Manyi KissCsákváryné
      • Ferenc KállaiBánki
      • László MárkusDr. Szilágyi János
      • János KoósPoós Attila
      • Péter HusztiBakáts Tibor
      • Ferenc Zenthenyomozó
      • Kamill FelekiFabrikovics Béla


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