F Troop is a satirical American television sitcom that originally aired for two seasons on ABC-TV. It debuted in the United States on September 14, 1965 and concluded its run on April 6, 1967 with a total of 65 episodes. The first season of 34 episodes was filmed in black-and-white, but the show switched to color for its second season.
Votre Filmothèque
- Forrest TuckerSergeant. Morgan O'Rourke
- Larry StorchCorporal Randolph Agarn
- Ken BerryCaptain Wilton Parmenter
- Melody PattersonWrangler Jane Angelica Thrift
- James HamptonHannibal Dobbs
- Frank De KovaChief Wild Eagle
- Bob SteeleTrooper Duffy
- Don DiamondCrazy Cat
- Joe Brooks
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