


    Kató Varga (Klári Tolnay) is unable to play its part in front of the Admissions Committee of the School of Dramatic Art. Geszty (Tivadar Bilicsi), severe President of the Commission maintains that she has no talent for acting and mercilessly tells you will never be an actress. Kató prepares to take revenge and under the false name of Katyi Csiba, dressed as a peasant village, obtains admission to the house Geszty. Turning everything upside down, she makes your life hell.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Klári TolnayVarga Kató / Katyi
      • Manyi KissCsiba Kati
      • Tivadar BilicsiGeszty Péter, színművész
      • Gerő MályFerenc, inas
      • Piri VaszaryVargáné
      • Mici ErdélyiMária
      • Sándor PethesLajos
      • József JuhászPálinkás Bence
      • László MisogaCsiba Márton


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