One of Our Girls

    One of Our Girls


    The "girl" of the title was played by Hazel Dawn, a popular stage actress who briefly enjoyed a flourishing film career. Dawn plays Miss Shipley, an American girl vacationing in France. Our heroine finds herself the romantic bone of contention between two "men of the world" (William Roselle and Hal Clarendon), who end up fighting a duel over her affections.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Hazel DawnKate Shipley
      • Hal ClarendonComte Florian de Crebillon
      • William RoselleCapt. John Gregory (unconfirmed)
      • Lionel AdamsCapt. John Gregory (unconfirmed)
      • Fania MarinoffJulie Fonblanque
      • Camille DalbergMme. Fonblanque
      • Charles KrausM. Fonblanque (as Charles Krauss)
      • David PowellM. Henri De St. Hillaire
      • George BackusDr. Girodet
      • Clarence HandysideMr. Shipley (as Clarence Hanyside)
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