Les meilleurs films
avec le thème war victim
- Nobody's ChildrenDavid Wheatley, 1994
- Kannathil MuthamittalMani Ratnam, 2002
- The Hunting PartyRichard Shepard, 2007
- Taking ChanceRoss Katz, 2009
- Memorial DaySam Fischer, 2011
- 7 Days in SyriaRobert Rippberger, 2015
- City of Life and DeathLu Chuan, 2009
- My ChildHosseinAli Fallah Layalestani, 2009
- The Beast with a Million EyesDavid Kramarsky, Roger Corman, 1955
- Dauntless: The Battle of MidwayMike Phillips, 2019
- Alia: A Bosniac RhapsodyKarl Kases, 2008
- Lost SexKaneto Shindō, 1966
- Those who returned from the CampsMaurice van Bavel, 1982
- Ein Lied für ArgyrisStefan Haupt, 2006
- Zero ImpunityNicolas Blies, Stéphane Hueber-Blies, 2019