Les meilleurs films
avec le thème unplugged
- Katy Perry: MTV UnpluggedMatthew C. Mills, 2009
- Kiss: UnpluggedJoe Perota, 1996
- Nirvana: Unplugged In New YorkBeth McCarthy-Miller, 1993
- The Joneses UnpluggedBradford May, 2017
- Pearl Jam: MTV UnpluggedJoel Gallen, 1992
- Aerosmith: MTV Unplugged 1990
- Bon Jovi | Unplugged On VH1Alex Coletti, 2007
- The Corrs: UnpluggedNick Wickham, 2000
- SaMTV UnpluggedFelix Paul, 2018
- Alice In Chains: MTV UnpluggedJoe Perota, 1996
- Mariah Carey: MTV UnpluggedLarry Jordan, 1992
- 10000 Maniacs: MTV UnpluggedMilton Lage, 1993
- Scorpions: MTV Unplugged in AthensMikael Nord Andersson, 2013
- Shakira: MTV UnpluggedMilton Lage, 2000
- MTV Unplugged: Stevie Ray Vaughan with Joe SatrianiMilton Lage, 1990
- Poison: MTV Unplugged 1990
- Oasis: MTV UnpluggedMilton Lage, 1996
- Phil Collins - MTV Unplugged 1994James Yukich, 1994
- Sting: Unplugged 1991
- Fiona Apple: MTV UnpluggedMilton Lage, Beth McCarthy-Miller, 1997
- Acústico MTV: Kid AbelhaRomi Atarashi, 2002