Les meilleurs films
avec le thème skydiving
- Point BreakKathryn Bigelow, 1991
- The Gypsy MothsJohn Frankenheimer, 1969
- FandangoKevin Reynolds, 1985
- Drop ZoneJohn Badham, 1994
- Point BreakEricson Core, 2015
- FathomLeslie H. Martinson, 1967
- The SkydiversColeman Francis, 1963
- Space DiveColin Barr, 2012
- CutawayGuy Manos, 2000
- Seven Sunny Days 2007
- HexAndy Malchiodi, Chris Johnston, 2022
- Sonic BreakStevan Riley, 2018
- Anne at 13,000 Ft.Kazik Radwanski, 2021
- Free FallMariloup Wolfe, 2009
- Fatal SkiesThomas E. Dugan, 1990
- Hungry for YouDimitri Logothetis, 1996
- Chain Reaction - 8 Disciplines of FlightNicholas Schrunk, 2016
- Good Stuff 2001
- Des Hommes Dans Le CielJean-Jacques Languepin, 1958
- Angry SkyJeff Tremaine, 2015
- RiffTrax Live: Point BreakDon Carr, 2024
- Birdmen: The Original Dream of Human Flight 2012
- Terminal VelocityDeran Sarafian, 1994
- The Naked PeacockDenis Hargrave, 1975