Les meilleurs films
avec le thème rainforest
- FernGully: The Last RainforestBill Kroyer, 1992
- UrubúAlejandro Ibáñez Nauta, 2020
- Love on a LeashFen Tian, 2011
- Secret Life of the RainforestJulian Thomas, 2012
- Secrets of the TribeJosé Padilha, 2010
- Song from the ForestMichael Obert, 2014
- Baka: The People of the RainforestPhil Agland, 1989
- Forest of the Dancing SpiritsLinda Västrik, 2013
- The Lost ForestOrlando von Einsiedel, 2020
- A Blank on the Map 1971
- The Burning SeasonCathy Henkel, 2008
- Indio 2 - The RevoltAntonio Margheriti, 1991
- The Emerald ForestJohn Boorman, 1985
- Dark AmazonDarcyana Moreno Izel, 2014
- AbsolonDavid DeBartolomé, 2003
- AmazonKieth Merrill, 1997
- JungleGreg McLean, 2017
- The LabyrinthLaura Huertas Millán, 2018
- Medicine ManJohn McTiernan, 1992
- Lord of the JungleRoswitha Haas, 1999
- FernGully 2: The Magical RescueDave Marshall, Phil Robinson, 1998
- CloutBobby Emmanuel Okoye, 2021
- AmazonMika Kaurismäki, 1990
- Tropical RainforestBen Shedd, 1992
- Kayak to KlemtuZoe Leigh Hopkins, 2018
- EamiPaz Encina, 2022
- Joy StreetSuzan Pitt, 1995
- Surviving ProgressMathieu Roy, Harold Crooks, 2011
- The Blue ButterflyLéa Pool, 2004
- BancocoBrad M. King, 2023