Les meilleurs films
avec le thème morality tale
- Ender's GameGavin Hood, 2013
- The Sea WolfMichael Curtiz, 1941
- AlrauneArthur Maria Rabenalt, 1952
- How Jones Lost His RollEdwin S. Porter, 1905
- The Magician's AlmsAlice Guy-Blaché, 1905
- Street TrashJ. Michael Muro, 1987
- Christopher's Christmas MissionPer Åhlin, 1975
- Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!Shinji Takamatsu, 2017
- PainlessJordan Matthew Horowitz, 2017
- Damage ControlRyan Oksenberg, 2018
- SamskaraPattabhirama Reddy, 1970
- The LumpYasuji Murata, Chuzo Aochi, 1929
- BarricadePeter Godfrey, 1950
- TeardropRyan Oksenberg,
- The Road to RuinNorton S. Parker, 1928