Les meilleurs films
avec le thème lost in the desert
- The Hills Have EyesAlexandre Aja, 2006
- ManonHenri-Georges Clouzot, 1949
- The ShootingMonte Hellman, 1966
- FirewalkerJ. Lee Thompson, 1986
- The HomesmanTommy Lee Jones, 2014
- The Garlock IncidentEvan Cholfin, 2012
- The ToyboxTom Nagel, 2018
- Black WindServando González, 1965
- Desert NightsWilliam Nigh, 1929
- KaaloWilson Louis, 2010
- OutbackMike Green, 2020
- SugartownJT Mollner, 2011
- Hot SandsAlfred J. Goulding, 1931
- BunuwirahAbdullah H. Abuljadail, 2020
- PilgrimMatthew Darragh, 2006
- Boualem Zid El GoudamMoussa Haddad, 1980