Les meilleurs films
avec le thème indian attack
- The Revenant 2015
- StagecoachJohn Ford, 1939
- The Battle at Elderbush GulchD.W. Griffith, 1913
- Only the ValiantGordon Douglas, 1951
- ChukaGordon Douglas, 1967
- Eagle's WingAnthony Harvey, 1979
- The Omaha TrailEdward Buzzell, Edward L. Cahn, 1942
- Ride LonesomeBudd Boetticher, 1959
- Jasper in a JamDuke Goldstone, 1946
- Arrow In The DustLesley Selander, 1954
- Pony Express DaysB. Reeves Eason, 1940
- Wagon WheelsCharles Barton, 1934
- The Apache Kid's EscapeRobert J. Horner, 1930
- Winning of the WestGeorge Archainbaud, 1953
- Train To TombstoneWilliam Berke, 1950
- Apache CountryGeorge Archainbaud, 1952
- The Last Indian AttackAlcides Greca, 1918
- The Overland StageAlbert S. Rogell, 1927