Les meilleurs films
avec le thème hypochondriac
- AmélieJean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001
- Hannah and Her SistersWoody Allen, 1986
- Same Old SongAlain Resnais, 1997
- The SwitchWill Speck, Josh Gordon, 2010
- The Dark Side of LoveSalvatore Samperi, 1984
- The VampirePaul Landres, 1957
- Le malade imaginaireClaude Dagues, 1959
- Eine Hochzeit und (K)ein TodesfallWalter Feistle, 2001
- The Adventures of Borivoje SurdilovicAleksandar Đorđević, 1980
- Where Is Parsifal?Henri Helman, 1984
- SuperchondriacDany Boon, 2014
- The Impassive FootmanBasil Dean, 1932
- Then Came YouPeter Hutchings, 2018
- Send Me No FlowersNorman Jewison, 1964
- Even Hitler Had a GirlfriendRonnie Cramer, 1991
- Donald's Off DayJack Hannah, 1944
- We'll Never Have ParisJocelyn Towne, Simon Helberg, 2014
- Waiting to Die in Bayside, QueensGarrett Tripp, 2017
- Bis dass dein Tod uns scheidetManfred Stelzer, 2002
- Oh, DoctorRay McCarey, 1937
- Le Malade imaginaireJean Le Poulain, 1986
- Bullet ScarsD. Ross Lederman, 1942
- Saving NormanHanneke Schutte, 2013
- Kiddie KureEdward L. Cahn, 1940
- Shock TherapyBali Engel, Matthieu Landour, 2017
- Only Saps WorkCyril Gardner, Edwin H. Knopf, 1930
- Magnet of DoomJean-Pierre Melville, 1963
- Checking OutDavid Leland, 1988
- Carry On MatronGerald Thomas, 1972
- How I Was Systematically Destroyed by an IdiotSlobodan Sijan, 1983