Les meilleurs films
avec le thème hazing
- Pitch PerfectJason Moore, 2012
- The Strange OneJack Garfein, 1957
- Class of '44Paul Bogart, 1973
- YoungbloodPeter Markle, 1986
- Freshman OrientationRyan Shiraki, 2004
- Buffalo DreamsDavid Jackson, 2005
- Sydney WhiteJoe Nussbaum, 2007
- The Hazing SecretJonathan Wright, 2014
- 108 StitchesDavid Rountree, 2014
- Sister DearestJonathan Ross, Jerry Ross, 1984
- The WhaleAlrick Riley, 2013
- Everybody Wants Some!!Richard Linklater, 2016
- GoatAndrew Neel, 2016
- Nowhere to Be FoundThomas Michael, 2021
- Strapped for DangerRichard Griffin, 2017
- The LineEthan Berger, 2024
- Screw the Right ThingJoseph W. Sarno, 1990
- Sorority Rush WeekStills by Alan, 2019
- Hadley's RebellionFred Walton, 1983
- For Men OnlyPaul Henreid, 1952
- On The DownlowTadeo Garcia, 2004
- The Young Eagles of the KamikazeShinji Murayama, 1968
- KomradesSteve Kokker, 2003
- Absolutely Shameful Hazing at the All-Girls Academy Season 2Temple Suwa, 2014
- Absolutely Shameful Hazing at the All-Girls AcademyTemple Suwa, 2013
- Batch '81Mike De Leon, 1982
- Dying to BelongWilliam A. Graham, 1997