Les meilleurs films
avec le thème franco regime (francoism)
- Pan's LabyrinthGuillermo del Toro, 2006
- Salvador (Puig Antich)Manuel Huerga, 2006
- Land and FreedomKen Loach, 1995
- The Silence of OthersAlmudena Carracedo, Robert Bahar, 2019
- Paper BirdsEmilio Aragón, 2010
- El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historiaJosé María Almela, Verónica Vigil, 2010
- El precio de la risaGabriel Lechón, 2017
- Stepping Into the BoundaryMaider Oleaga, 2019
- PainlessJuan Carlos Medina, 2012
- Clawing! A Journey Through the Spanish HorrorVíctor Matellano, 2014
- A Forbidden OrangePedro González Bermúdez, 2021
- Escape From SegoviaImanol Uribe, 1981
- Days of HopeAndré Malraux, 1940
- The EuropeansVíctor García León, 2020
- MadregildaFrancisco Regueiro, 1993
- La caza de brujasAntonio Drove, 1967
- The Sleeping VoiceBenito Zambrano, 2011
- The War Is OverAlain Resnais, 1966
- The Most Dangerous Man in Europe: Otto Skorzeny's After WarPedro de Echave, Pablo Azorín, 2020
- The Power of SilenceManuel Huerga, 2017
- 30 Years of DarknessManuel H. Martín, 2012
- The Things of LoveJaime Chávarri, 1989
- Antoñito vuelve a casaManuel Revuelta, 1969
- RedondelaPedro Costa Musté, 1987
- The Endless TrenchJose Mari Goenaga, Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregi, 2019
- The WheelchairMarco Ferreri, 1960
- Operation OgreGillo Pontecorvo, 1979
- El CalentitoChus Gutiérrez, 2005
- While at WarAlejandro Amenábar, 2019
- StanbrookÓscar Bernàcer, 2020