Les meilleurs films
avec le thème djinn
- The Thief of BagdadMichael Powell, Tim Whelan, Ludwig Berger, 1940
- WishmasterRobert Kurtzman, 1997
- Wishmaster 2: Evil Never DiesJack Sholder, 1999
- Under the ShadowBabak Anvari, 2016
- Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of HellChris Angel, 2001
- Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-RamaDavid DeCoteau, 1988
- The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure EvilKyle J. Macias, 2019
- The OutingTom Daley, 1987
- Three Thousand Years of LongingGeorge Miller, 2022
- ZanaAntoneta Kastrati, 2019
- D@bbe 5: Curse of the JinnHasan Karacadağ, 2014
- MusallatAlper Mestçi, 2007
- D@bbe: The PossessionHasan Karacadağ, 2013
- Dabbe 2Hasan Karacadağ, 2009
- D@bbe: Demon PossessionHasan Karacadağ, 2012
- DabbeHasan Karacadağ, 2006
- D@bbe 6: The ReturnHasan Karacadağ, 2015
- Djinn TonicDomenico Guidetti, 2016
- Supernatural AssaultPaul Taitt, 2018
- Stupid GamesNicolas Wendl, Dani Abraham, 2024
- Dabbetü'l-Arz: KıyametGökhan Arı, 2023
- Başlangıç: Ye'Cüc Me'CücGünay Günaydın, Murat Toktamışoğlu,