Les meilleurs films
avec le thème dead end kids
- Dead EndWilliam Wyler, 1937
- Angels with Dirty FacesMichael Curtiz, 1938
- Crime SchoolLewis Seiler, William Clemens, 1938
- Angels Wash Their FacesRay Enright, 1939
- They Made Me a CriminalBusby Berkeley, 1939
- Mob TownWilliam Nigh, 1941
- Junior G-MenFord Beebe, John Rawlins, 1940
- Hell's KitchenE.A. Dupont, Lewis Seiler, 1939
- You're Not So ToughJoe May, 1940
- Give Us WingsCharles Lamont, 1940
- Sea RaidersJohn Rawlins, Ford Beebe, 1941
- Tough as They ComeWilliam Nigh, 1942
- Junior G-Men of the AirLewis D. Collins, Ray Taylor, 1942
- Little Tough GuyHarold Young, 1938
- Keep 'Em SluggingChristy Cabanne, 1943
- Mug TownRay Taylor, 1942
- On Dress ParadeWilliam Clemens, Noel M. Smith, 1939
- Call a MessengerArthur Lubin, 1939