Les meilleurs films
avec le thème dead children
- Lord of the FliesPeter Brook, 1963
- The Return of the SoldierAlan Bridges, 1983
- Angela's AshesAlan Parker, 1999
- DarknessJaume Balagueró, 2002
- Songs for Dead ChildrenTimothy Quay, Stephen Quay, 2003
- Bang RajanTanit Jitnukul, 2000
- Feed MeClaudia Damasceno, 2013
- Edge of HonorMichael Spence, 1991
- The Mysterious HouseMartin Paredes, 2020
- Die Kinder sind totAelrun Goette, 2004
- The UndeadMena Guy, 2023
- A House in JerusalemMuayad Alayan, 2023
- War DogBjörn Carlström, Daniel Hübenbecher, 1987