Les meilleurs films
avec le thème cartoon skunk
- Space JamJoe Pytka, 1996
- For Scent-imental ReasonsChuck Jones, 1949
- Little 'TinkerTex Avery, 1948
- The Little MoleHugh Harman, 1941
- Little Beau PepéChuck Jones, 1952
- Donald's CrimeJack King, 1945
- All This and Rabbit StewTex Avery, 1941
- Wild Over YouChuck Jones, 1953
- Louvre Come Back to Me!Chuck Jones, 1962
- Odor-Able KittyChuck Jones, 1945
- Don't Look NowTex Avery, 1936
- The Cats BahChuck Jones, 1954
- Poor Little MeHugh Harman, 1935
- Scent-imental Over YouChuck Jones, 1947
- One Mother's FamilyRudolf Ising, 1939
- Odor of the DayArthur Davis, 1948
- Two Scent's WorthChuck Jones, 1955
- A Scent of the MatterhornChuck Jones, 1961
- Who Scent You?Chuck Jones, 1960
- The Unwelcome GuestGeorge Gordon, 1945
- Porky in the North WoodsFrank Tashlin, 1936