Les meilleurs films
avec le thème biology
- AlienRidley Scott, 1979
- MicrocosmosClaude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, 1996
- Darwin's Struggle: The Evolution of the Origin of Species 2009
- The Secret Life of PlantsWalon Green, 1979
- In The Womb: AnimalsYavar Abbas, 2006
- What Darwin Never KnewSerena Davies, John Rubin, Rushmore DeNooyer, Sarah Holt, 2009
- UnrestJennifer Brea, 2017
- The BodyRoy Battersby, 1970
- Proteus: A Nineteenth Century VisionDavid Lebrun, 2004
- Human NatureAdam Bolt, 2019
- GenesisClaude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, 2004
- LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien LifeJohn D. Boswell, 2020
- Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life 2009
- Your Inner FishTom Cook, David Dugan, Alex Tate, 2014
- The Secret of Life on EarthAdrian Warren, 1993
- Agnes and His BrothersOskar Roehler, 2004
- Blue PlanetBen Burtt, 1990
- Darwin's Darkest HourJohn Bradshaw, 2009
- National Geographic: The Incredible Human BodyAlexander Grasshoff, 2002
- ResistanceMichael Graziano, 2015
- The Private Life of Plants 1995
- Inside the Human Body 2011
- VilddyrAsk Hasselbalch, 2010
- How to Grow a Planet 2012
- Inside the Living BodyMartin Williams, 2007
- Bacterial WorldStéphane Bégoin, 2016
- The Andromeda StrainRobert Wise, 1971
- The Botany of DesireMichael Schwarz, 2009
- The Genius of Charles DarwinRussell Barnes, 2008
- BodysongSimon Pummell, 2003