Les meilleurs films
du genre News
- "Huffpost Live" Jeffrey Dahmer Files 2013
- "Movies You May Have Missed" Killing Kids in 'Battle Royale'! 2010
- Cinema 3Jaume Figueras, Manel Domínguez, Octavi Martí, Ricard Reguant, 1984
- "This Week" Dr. Strangelove 1964
- "Secret's Out" The Hurt Locker 2009
- CNN World BeatSerena Yang, Jeff Scheftel, 1998
- The 43rd Annual Academy AwardsRichard Dunlap, 1971
- "Midnight Movie Review" A Serbian FilmDennis Alink, 2011
- Take 3Georgette Hayden, 2006
- Our TimeJohn Chiappardi, 1983
- TV EyeJonathan Lewis, Anthony J. Bacon, Vincent Stafford, Mike Dormer, Alan Stewart, Peter Tiffin, Greg Lanning, Ian Stuttard, Nick Downie, John Russell, Garth Price, Mike Ward, Christopher Kay, Roger Thomas, Paul O'Dell, 1978
- "Prozhektorperiskhilton" Hugh Grant 2010
- Le tsar Nicolas II à ParisLouis Lumière, 1896
- "The Colbert Report" Aaron Sorkin 2010
- The 35th Annual Academy AwardsRichard Dunlap, 1963
- "Maltin on Movies" Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010
- "The Daily Show" Peter DinklageChuck O'Neil, 2003
- "Midnight Movie Review" My Son, My Son, What Have Ye DoneDennis Alink, 2011
- MTV News: The Week in RockSteve Paley, 1991
- LA Pride ParadeMike Corey, 2012
- The WireSamantha Fogel, 1997
- The 54th Annual Academy AwardsMarty Pasetta, 1982
- "The London Programme" Troubled WaterPaul Coueslant, 1990
- "Designing Your Future" Architecture 2006
- Bahrain, the Forbidden CountryStéphanie Lamorré, 2013
- Memòries de la teleRaül Díaz, Nicolás Albéndiz, 2007
- CBS Saturday MorningShanta Fripp, Catherine Englert, Kelly Casse, Chip Colley, John D'Incecco, Anthony D. Jones, James McGrath, 2012
- The 26th Annual Academy AwardsBill Bennington, Grey Lockwood, 1954
- The 56th Annual Tony AwardsGlenn Weiss, 2002
- Choose or LoseJoel Schumacher, 2008