Çaplı was born in Ankara in 1958.
He graduated from Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, School of Journalism and Public Relations.
- Demirkırat: Pressure 1991
- Demirkırat: Rebellion 1991
- Demirkırat: Island 1991
- Demirkırat: Coup 1991
- Demirkırat: Execution 1991
- 12 Mart: "Sağ-Sol" 1994
- 12 March: Contumacy 1994
- 12 March: The Junta 1994
- 12 Mart: Gripes 1994
- 12 March: Memorandum 1994
- 12 March: Rematch 1994
- 12 Mart: Colonel 1994
- 12 Mart: Rebellion 1994
- 12 March: Raid 1994
- 12 Mart: "Demir-El" 1994