Marem Hassler is know for her award winning work, in front and behind the camera, as an actress, director and producer.
Her father is a Swiss cinematographer and filmmaker and instilled in her early on, the love for all things cinematic.
- Morlocks 2011
- Negative 2017
- The Past Comes Knocking 2024
- Don't Sleep 2017
- Edge of Isolation 2018
- Girl Flu. 2016
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life 2003
- A Night of Horror: Nightmare Radio 2020
- Riley Parra: Better Angels 2019
- NCIS 2003
- Dream Team 1997
- Metal Hurlant Chronicles 2012
- Lexx 1997
- Riley Parra 2017