"I was born in Mexico City.
My dreams were to become a respectable dope fiend, but I could not accomplish this so I lost all self respect and became a cartoonist.
- The Clock Store 1931
- The Spider and the Fly 1931
- Halloween Is Grinch Night 1977
- The Fox Hunt 1931
- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown 1966
- The Castaway 1931
- Mother Goose Melodies 1931
- The Busy Beavers 1931
- The China Plate 1931
- Blue Rhythm 1931
- The Cat's Out 1931
- Egyptian Melodies 1931
- The Ugly Duckling 1931
- The Bird Store 1932
- The Duck Hunt 1932
- The Grocery Boy 1932
- Flowers and Trees 1932
- A Charlie Brown Christmas 1965
- It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown 1976
- Energy: A National Issue 1977