- Janosik: A True Story 2009
- How Much Does the Trojan Horse Weigh? 2008
- Aftermath 2012
- Przedwiośnie 2001
- Listy miłosne 2001
- Time to Die 2007
- The Devils, the Devils 1991
- The Yellow Scarf 2000
- The Impossible Goodbye 1962
- The Voice from Beyond 1962
- Treasure 1949
- Umarli rzucają cień 1979
- A Week in the Life of a Man 1999
- The People from the Train 1961
- Mom and Other Loonies in the Family 2015
- Queen of Clouds 2004
- Forbidden Songs 1947
- Korczak 1990
- Domek z kart 1954
- The Warsaw Debut 1951
- The Alchemist and the Virgin 1998
- Ranczo 2006
- The Doll 1978
- Samochodzik and Knights Templar 1972
- 5 dni z życia emeryta 1985