- The Rape of the Sabine 1945
- Godzilla 1977
- Naked England 1969
- The Cheerful Squadron 1954
- This Violent World 1976
- House of Ricordi 1954
- La pattuglia sperduta 1954
- Turbamento 1942
- Department Store 1939
- Dopo divorzieremo 1940
- Mr. Rossi's Dreams 1977
- Emigrantes 1948
- Chung Kuo: China 1972
- The Tempter 1974
- Eccezzziunale... veramente 1982
- Mr. Rossi's Vacation 1981
- You're on Your Own 1959
- The Conformist 1970
- A Pocketful of Chestnuts 1970
- Chung Kuo-Cina 1972