Nils Poppe (31 May 1908 – 28 June 2000) was a Swedish actor, comedian, director, screenwriter and theatre manager.
He is internationally most famous for his part in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, but in Sweden he was much loved and participated in over 50 films on cinema and TV..
- The Seventh Seal 1957
- The Devil's Eye 1960
- Father Bom 1949
- Beredskapspojkar 1940
- Private Bom 1948
- Flottans överman 1958
- Adolf i eld och lågor 1939
- Aktören 1943
- Kronans käcka gossar 1940
- Ljuset från Lund 1955
- The Lord from the Lane 1949
- Just a Waiter 1959
- Sten Stensson kommer till stan 1945
- Tre glada tokar 1942
- Money: A Tragicomic Saga 1946
- Tappa inte sugen 1947
- Tre skojiga skojare 1942