- Summer in Tyrol 1964
- Fodboldpræsten 1951
- Kampen om Næsbygaard 1964
- Mosekongen 1950
- Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs 1958
- Father of Four: On Bornholm 1959
- Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig 1941
- Bolettes Brudefærd 1938
- Father of Four: In the City 1956
- Laila 1929
- Tre finder en kro 1955
- Otte akkorder 1944
- Der var engang en gade 1957
- The Red Horses 1950
- Faith, Hope and Witchcraft 1960
- Det store løb 1952
- Father of Four 1953
- Father of Four: The Whole Shebang 1961
- Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus 1957
- Father of Four: In the Countryside 1955
- Flintesønnerne 1956
- Father of Four: In the Snow 1954
- Millionærdrengen 1936
- Halløj i himmelsengen 1965
- Come Home With Me 1941
- David Copperfield 1922
- Undercurrents 1924