- Samson & Sally 1984
- Hugo, the Jungle Creature 1993
- Benny's Bathtub 1971
- The Great Day on the Beach 1991
- The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Bear 2002
- Amazon Jack 2007
- Beauty and the Beast 1983
- Hugo the Movie Star 1996
- Tough Guys of the Prairie 1970
- Pixie Panic 2000
- Circleen - City Mouse 1998
- Circleen - Mice & Romance 2000
- Turn Right by the Yellow Dog 2003
- Den fine mand 1971
- Sofies skolegang 1977
- Frække Frida og de frygtløse spioner 1994
- Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie 1971
- The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fence 1981
- The Olsen Gang's Last Trick 1998
- Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface 1980
- Sex and the Law 1968
- Manden der ville være skyldig 1990
- The Man Who Couldn't Say No 2002
- Road to Paradise 2011
- Jullerup Færgeby 1974
- Pyrus: Alletiders eventyr 2000
- Vinterbyøster 1973
- Kikkebakke Boligby 1977
- Avisen 1982
- Pyrus: The Greatest Christmas 1994
- Jungledyret Hugo 2003
- Call Me Liva 1992
- Sonya Series 1968
- Pyrus: The Greatest Santa Clause 1997
- Pyrus: Alletiders nisse 1995
- Taxa 1997