Stig Järrel (8 February 1910 – 1 July 1998) was a Swedish actor, film director and revue artist.
Järrel was one of the most popular actors in Sweden during his career, and also one of the most productive, participating in a total of 131 films.
- Pippi Longstocking 1949
- Fartfeber 1953
- Peggy på vift 1946
- The Devil's Eye 1960
- The Pleasure Garden 1961
- Torment 1944
- Walpurgis Night 1935
- The Royal Rabble 1945
- Flames in the Dark 1942
- The First Squadron 1941
- Happiness Is on Its Way 1942
- Little Fridolf and Me 1956
- Karin Månsdotter 1954
- Interlude 1946
- Miss Chic 1959
- Ljuvlig är sommarnatten 1961
- Seventh Heaven 1956
- While the Door Was Locked 1946
- The White Cat 1950
- Web of Desire 1957
- Resan till dej 1953
- The Right to Love 1956
- We Two 1939
- Rasmus, Pontus and Toker 1956
- Little Martin Returns 1948
- Put Our Märta First or As Luck Will Have It 1945
- Samvetsömma Adolf 1936
- Lyckliga Vestköping 1937
- En fattig miljonär 1941
- His Excellency 1944
- Each to His Own Way 1948
- Heaven and Pancakes 1959
- Fröken Vildkatt 1941
- Vi tre 1940
- Wandering with the Moon 1945
- Flicka utan namn 1954
- Incorrigible 1946
- Blonde in Bondage 1957
- The Nuthouse 1951
- Sjösalavår 1949
- Helen of Troy 1951
- Lev farligt 1944
- Som du vill ha mej 1943
- Herre med portfölj 1943
- Gomorron Bill! 1945
- Flottans Muntergökar 1955
- Sin 1948
- Tappa inte sugen 1947
- Jag är eld och luft 1944
- Skattefria Andersson 1954