Emery Hawkins (April 30, 1912 – June 1, 1989) was an American animator, best known for his work during the Golden age of American animation, working in various studios in the industry.
[biography (excerpted) from Wikipedia].
- The Thief and the Cobbler 1993
- Wide Open Spaces 1947
- Rabbit of Seville 1950
- Mr. Duck Steps Out 1940
- Donald's Dilemma 1947
- Donald's Dream Voice 1948
- 8 Ball Bunny 1950
- Put-Put Troubles 1940
- The Barber of Seville 1944
- The Beach Nut 1944
- The Dizzy Acrobat 1943
- Woody Dines Out 1945
- Hillbilly Hare 1950
- Ski for Two 1944
- Lovelorn Leghorn 1951
- Canary Row 1950
- Early to Bet 1951
- Dough Ray Me-ow 1948
- All a Bir-r-r-d 1950
- A Ham in a Role 1949
- The Loose Nut 1945
- The Reckless Driver 1946
- Fair Weather Fiends 1946
- Dog Gone South 1950
- Lend a Paw 1941
- Donald's Dog Laundry 1940
- Timber 1941
- A Gentleman's Gentleman 1941
- How to Swim 1942
- Canine Caddy 1941
- French Rarebit 1951
- The Prize Pest 1951
- Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure 1977
- The Tender Game 1958
- A Bone for a Bone 1951
- Bone Sweet Bone 1948
- Leghorn Swoggled 1951
- Riff Raffy Daffy 1948
- Holiday for Drumsticks 1949