- Story of My Foolishness 1966
- The Pagan Madonna 1980
- Do not Panic, Major Kardos 1982
- Aranyborjú 1974
- Off the Range 1975
- Suburban Legend 1957
- Song of the Cornfields 1947
- Twenty Hours 1965
- The Secret of the Old Mine 1973
- Fourteen Lives 1954
- Singing Makes Life Beautiful 1950
- I'll Appeal to the Minister 1962
- Poor Johnny and Arnika 1983
- Tales of a Long Journey 1962
- A csillagszemű 1977
- Tüzkeresztség 1952
- Keep Your Chin Up! 1954
- Ward No. 9 1955
- Pár lépés a határ 1959
- Thorn Castle 1967
- The Magic Jacket 1968
- Hard Hats and Potato Nose 1978
- Hungarian Folktales 1977