- Day Watch 2006
- I Love You, Petrovich! 1990
- Russian Ark 2002
- Everything Will Be All Right 1995
- Эквилибрист 1976
- This Scoundrel Sidorov 1983
- White Dew 1984
- Ha-Bi-Assy 1991
- Сергеев ищет Сергеева 1974
- Especially dangerous 1979
- I Want To Go To Prison 1998
- One Night Only 1976
- Summer Impressions of the Planet Z 1986
- The Great Tamer 1974
- The Fourth Planet 1995
- Lucky Loser 1993
- Fairies' Autumn Gift 1984
- Our Armoured Train 1988
- The Waiting Room 1998
- Empire is Under Attack 2000
- Russian Horror Stories 2001
- Musketeers Twenty Years Later 1992
- The Life of Klim Samgin 1988