Sven Robert Morgan Alling, originally Persson, born June 8, 1968 in Mölndal, is a Swedish actor, screenwriter and director.
He is the nephew of Siw Malmkvist..
- Who Pulled the Plug? 2 2006
- Arn: The Knight Templar 2007
- Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End 2008
- God Save the King 2005
- Sune i Grekland - all inclusive 2012
- Diorama 2022
- Ramona 2003
- The Anderssons Hit the Road 2013
- Bamse and the Thief City 2014
- The Anderssons Rock the Mountains 2014
- Videoman 2018
- Bamse and the Witch's Daughter 2016
- Bamse and the Thunderbell 2018
- Cirkus Imago - en chans på miljonen 2015
- Lögnens pris 2007
- Renées brygga 2015
- Sommaren 85 2020
- Hjälp! 2007
- Summer with the Family 2017
- Kungamordet 2008
- En dag i taget 1999
- The Laser Man 2005