The best movies
with the theme war refugees
- One Minute to ZeroTay Garnett, 1952
- DheepanJacques Audiard, 2015
- 4 Days in MayAchim von Borries, 2011
- The Other Side of HopeAki Kaurismäki, 2017
- The Sound of One Hand ClappingRichard Flanagan, 1998
- Mobile Suit Gundam IRyoji Fujiwara, Yoshiyuki Tomino, 1981
- Sisters ApartDaphne Charizani, 2021
- The Windermere ChildrenMichael Samuels, 2020
- The Nansen PassportPhilippe Saada, Valentine Varela, 2016
- FleeJonas Poher Rasmussen, 2021
- The Good MaharajaVikash Verma,
- Stacey on the Front Line: Girls, Guns and IsisAlmudena Garcia-Parrado, 2017
- Ukraine-Poland: The Border of SolidarityLech Kowalski, 2022
- Life Ahead of HerManon Loizeau, Elaha Iqbali, 2023
- Ta'angWang Bing, 2016
- Little BelgiumLouis-Raoul Boogaerts, 1942
- WolfskinderEberhard Fechner, 1991
- The Cummington StoryHelen Grayson, Larry Madison, 1945
- Refugee PoetryDave Lojek, 2016
- The Hiding PlaceLaura Matula, 2023