The best movies
with the theme taoism
- Magic CopStephen Tung Wai, 1990
- A JourneyJosé Peña Coto, 2017
- Exorcist MasterWu Ma, 1993
- The Dead and the DeadlyWu Ma, 1982
- Mr. VampireRicky Lau, 1985
- Mr Vampire Saga 4Ricky Lau, 1988
- Doctor VampireJamie Luk Kim-Ming, 1990
- The Village of No ReturnChen Yu-hsun, 2017
- The Tao of PhysicsPhilip Engelen, 1986
- The Young Taoism FighterChen Chi-Hwa, 1986
- Journey to the EastGeorge Thompson, 2021
- Ninja in Ancient ChinaChang Cheh, 1993
- The Eight ImmortalsChen Hung-Min, 1969