The best movies
with the theme stormy night
- The Old Dark HouseJames Whale, 1932
- Smilin' ThroughSidney Franklin, 1932
- The Spiral StaircaseRobert Siodmak, 1946
- This Happy FeelingBlake Edwards, 1958
- Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood OrchidDwight H. Little, 2004
- After MidnightKen Wheat, Jim Wheat, 1989
- Category 5Rob W. King, 2014
- ErotikonGustav Machatý, 1930
- The Spiral StaircaseJames Head, 2000
- Los habitantes de la casa deshabitadaGonzalo Delgrás, 1946
- Eternal NightBrandon Barsoumian, Youssuf Benlahcen, 2021
- Little Bone LodgeMatthias Hoene, 2023