The best movies
with the theme stalinism
- The Soul KeeperRoberto Faenza, 2003
- Mission to MoscowMichael Curtiz, 1943
- Hostile WhirlwindsMikhail Kalatozov, 1956
- Animal FarmJoy Batchelor, John Halas, 1954
- Balkan SpyDušan Kovačević, Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić, 1984
- Animal FarmJohn Stephenson, 1999
- KatynAndrzej Wajda, 2007
- Child 44Daniel Espinosa, 2015
- The Fall of BerlinMikheil Chiaureli, 1950
- The Big RaceJerzy Domaradzki, 1981
- It Happened on This Very DayMiroslav Lekić, 1987
- Stalin and the Katyn MassacreCédric Tourbe, 2020
- Lessons at the End of SpringOleg Kavun, 1990
- Clear SkiesGrigoriy Chukhray, 1961
- The FelonsFranci Slak, 1987
- The ExamPéter Bergendy, 2011
- TemptationBarbara Sass, 1996
- The Hitler–Stalin PactCédric Tourbe, 2019
- Bless You, PrisonNicolae Mărgineanu, 2002
- The LivingSerhii Bukovskyi, 2009
- Animal FarmAndy Serkis, 2025
- Stalin's DaughterJobst Knigge, 2015
- GulagIosif Pasternak, Hélène Chatelain, 2006
- The Harms CaseSlobodan D. Pešić, 1987
- Stalin: Man of SteelPeter Adler, Stefan Brauburger, Alexander Berkel, Oliver Halmburger, Ralf Piechowiak, 2003
- A Trial in PragueZuzana Justman, 2000
- The Gulag Archipelago: The Book That Changed Russian HistoryJérôme Lambert, Philippe Picard, 2023
- Solovky PowerMarina Goldovskaya, 1988
- The Inner CircleAndrei Konchalovsky, 1991