The best movies
with the theme racist stereotype
- Murders in the Rue MorgueRobert Florey, 1932
- A Ticket to TomahawkRichard Sale, 1950
- Natale in IndiaNeri Parenti, 2003
- Reefer Madness: The Movie MusicalAndy Fickman, 2006
- What's Up: Balloon to the Rescue!Michelle Gabriel, Everton Rodrigues, 2009
- When We Were KingsLeon Gast, 1996
- The Problem with ApuMichael Melamedoff, 2017
- Into The LightSteven M. Smith, James Twyman, 2016
- The Color of FearLee Mun Wah, 1994
- The ChinamanDave Fleischer, 1920
- WhitexploitationRiccardo Menicatti, Bruno Ugioli, 2019
- Trader HoundJules White, Zion Myers, 1931
- Melanin 2023
- White Power: Inside Europe's Far-Right MovementChristophe Cotteret, 2024